Since beginning in 2006, Rotary Winter Wonderland has provided over 900,000 food items to food pantries in Marshfield and the surrounding area. The project requires the valuable help of volunteer organizations and businesses. The food pantries that we serve need us, now, more than ever before.
The following is a summary of how our project will look this year in order to safely operate:
- Individuals 12 years and older are preferred for Set-Up and Take-Down. Younger children will need to be very closely supervised by an adult. No special skills are required.
- The main “Set Up Saturdays” will be: October 14th, 21st, and 28th from 8am-2pm
● Sign up to help via: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050549acaf2da5fd0-20231#/
● NEW: In an effort to keep this special holiday tradition alive. We are asking our business and
organizational community to assist in our set-up efforts in a new way. We ask that you consider
bringing a team of employees, students or volunteers to the park for set-up in the fall. We will
offer flexible week-days/hours and there are a variety of tasks for groups of all sizes and
capabilities. If you are able or interested in having your business or organization join us during
the week, please contact us through volunteerrww@gmail.com or Al Nystrom at 715-223-5107
- We need groups to greet guests and collect food donations each night the park is open (Friday,
November 24th through Sunday December 31st).
● Dates are available on a first come, first serve basis. See available collection nights and sign up
for your date and time at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050549acaf2da5fd0-2023#/
○ Weeknights (Sun-Fri) – two shifts, (4:45 – 7 p.m. and 6:45 – 9 p.m.). We ask for 8-10
volunteers per shift on Sundays through Fridays.
○ Saturdays – these nights are preferred to be staffed 4:45-9 p.m. by one group. We ask
that 10-12 volunteers be present throughout Saturday nights.
● A Volunteer Ranger is needed each night. The Ranger will have responsibility for overseeing
food and money collection as well as directing volunteers for the whole night – 4:30-9:15 PM.
We invite you to sign up as the Volunteer Ranger on the night your group volunteers. Additional
training for this role will be provided on the evening you sign up for
- We will provide monetary donations to non-profit groups providing 100 or more hours. Volunteer leaders
will be responsible for tracking their group’s hours to us no later than March 1st, 2024. Please use the
form included on the back of this letter to track and report your hours. Hours can be sent to us via e-mail at volunteerrww@gmail.com
Due to the nature of our volunteer project, we are relying on commitment from groups earlier than usual. If you know for sure that members of your organization plan to help with set-up, take-down or staffing a food collection night, please let us know as soon as possible via e-mail at volunteerrww@gmail.com or message us on Facebook at “Marshfield Rotary Winter Wonderland”. We are looking forward to seeing you this season!
Danielle Nystrom
Volunteer Coordinator